Let me share with you my pre-wedding photo's package. Please take note that this is just a guidance, and you might not get the same package as every year the price increase. Furthermore, every packages differs as each wedding studio have their own pricing.
Original package includes:
- 12 x 18" - 20 pages (30 poses) Design Album
- 10 x 15" - 20 pages (20 poses) Full page Album
- 20 x 40" - Design photo frame for hanging at the bedroom
- 10 x 12" - 3 piece photo frame for mum's & in law's
- 4 x 6" - 80 pieces(10 poses) for guess.
- DVD - 1 piece (2 songs) 50 poses
- CDR - 50 poses (Original size touch up files)
- Special guest book - 1 book including the 50 poses that I choose for my album.
- A book printed with 200 poses which are not from the selected 50 poses
- 2 photographer
- Car Deco
- 1 Actual day wedding gown, 1 actual day evening gown, accessories....
- 1 Actual day coat.
- Pre-wedding dress - can select 4 different types
Total wedding package is RM3600.
I have added additional RM600 for requesting 20 pose + design album + enlarge album from 10 x 15" to 12 x 18". So two album are in the same size now. Grand total will be RM4200.

20 x 40" - Design photo frame

10 x 12" - 3 piece photo frame (1 missing because already given to my in laws)

2 album of 12 x 18" - 20 pages (70 poses) Design Album
The album are so heavy as the surface is full glass ~ its the trend nowadays.
It comes with a protector cover and a brief case.

Guest book (left) and book printed with 200 poses(right)

Some pictures that are not in the album will be printed at here.

Our guest book
My advise is if you do not have too much time to DIY your own album, do not have budget to buy wedding gowns, getting a wedding house to handle all your pre-wedding photos and actual day gowns is the correct choice.
Some personal tips:
1. Make sure to survey enough thru the internet, friends comments and forum before approaching the wedding studio. As most of the wedding studio are very pushy on selling their packages.
2. The wedding studio I sign do not have too much selection of dress, but surprisingly they manage to take excellent photos which make a non eye catching dress become a princess to every girl. Just walk to any wedding shop and look at their album, if you don't like how to photo's are taken, no point asking for the price.
3. Ask for more poses. 1 poses == 1 photo. Designed album usually consist more photos. My 20 page album consist of 35 poses. Each additional poses will have a price from the wedding studio.
Mine is RM30 per pose extra and the highest price is RM80 per pose.
4. Ask for more bargains and freebies. Or swiping those things that you don't want for more poses. Going to wedding fairs for better offers.
5. Every details need to be black and white written in the receipt.
6. Ask for photos soft copies. I think the best is to sign up with a wedding studio that give you all the soft copies back.
Hope this will help those future's brides that are planning their pre-wedding photo's decision. Good luck ~!