Monday, September 07, 2009

A day for handmade cards

Some cards that I made recently. Just in a mood on making card rather then sewing. I saw some nice pouchers at the Bookfair but I didn't buy any due to my over spending last month. Card making is just too much to spend on. But I try to keep my spending low and manage to create this few cards.

I love the pink background paper (with black and white shapes). It is actually a wrapping paper. I love this card to most.

Another card that I made from the newly brought forest stamps set. Cute ler....
A simple birthday card... to be kept until someone's birthday come along. Always wanted to do my own birthday cards for friends and family but always so lazy to do them. I think this is the way to do some and keep and post them when its time.


Anonymous said...

nice nice card..especially the 3rd wan..

shinz @ cosycabin said...

sweet cards, I love the 1st one. :)

shinz xx


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