Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
Gas-producing foods and drinks
Examples of gas-producing foods are:
- Vegetables, such as artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, green peppers, onions, peas, radishes, and raw potatoes.
- Beans and other legumes.
- Fruits, such as apricots, bananas, melons, peaches, pears, prunes, and raw apples.
- Wheat and wheat bran.
- Eggs.
- Carbonated drinks, fruit drinks, beer, and red wine.
- Fried and fatty foods.
- Sugar and sugar substitutes.
- Milk and other dairy products in people who have trouble digesting lactose, the main sugar found in milk.
- Packaged foods that contain lactose, such as breads, cereal, and salad dressing.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
I saw this article on my email, would like to share to all, and keep it for reference.
Good rest and sound sleep is very important...if u dont sleep well,the toxic in your body will accumulate,affecting your health and your mood...
The main causes of liver damage are:
- Sleeping too late and waking up too late are the main cause.
- Not urinating in the morning.
- Too much eating.
- Skipping breakfast.
- Consuming too much medication.
- Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.
- Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil.
Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit. - Consuming overly done foods also add to the burden of liver. Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.
We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits.
Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our body to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to "schedule."
Evening at 9 - 11pm :
Is the time for eliminating unnecessary/toxic chemicals (de-toxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes).
This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music.
If during this time a housewife is still in an unrelaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on her health.
Evening at 11pm - 1am :
The de-toxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state.
Early morning 1 - 3am :
De-toxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state.
Early morning 3 - 5am :
De-toxification in the lungs. Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time.
Since the de-toxification process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need
to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process.
Morning 5 - 7am :
De-toxification in the colon, you should empty your bowel.
Morning 7 - 9am :
Absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, you should be having breakfast at this time. Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30am, for those who are sick.
Breakfast before 7:30am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits, and it is still better to eat breakfast late until 9 -10am rather than no meal at all. Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals.
Aside from that, midnight to 4am is the time when the bone marrow produces blood.
Therefore,have a good sleep and don't sleep late.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
是不是时间太长了, 两人就话题?
昨晚, 到“盈”的家听故事。我才明白为何每次去她家,她都是在外面和我们聊。原来有了第三者。
我男友也是个好的开导者。他也是开导我后, 我才发觉他的魅力。他很厉害,分析能力又强。我看我是找不到相他那样好条件的那男人啦。
Eh… 有理题啦!
“盈” 说和男友沟通上的问题, 难道她和第三者不会未来有沟通上的问题吗?真的是拿她的下半生来赌局。“女人最怕嫁错郎”。。“盈”得好好考虑哦~~!!我感觉, 当你换个男友,你得从新开始了解他的优和缺点。 但往往要日子长了,才可以了解对方的缺点。
女人真烦,要最好的东西发生在她身上,当最好的东西发生在她身上时,却不会好好的珍惜 。。。
Monday, March 06, 2006
HP been bared
Sigh** Bad luck I guess... Today not a good day.
I remember I pay b4 valentine last month, not so sure why they cut our calles.Need to go to KLCC customer center later.
Raining soon. Wet again.
** Pay yesterday at KLCC customer center yesterday. Wah... 8pm no people. They cut my hp because I didn't pay RM30++ at January. And my Febuary bill was RM160++, total is RM230++. Wat the hack, cut my line because I didn't pay RM200++. I though my limit call is RM500 :(
Maanger Last Day
Just know when I was in a rush on updating some image. "Y" ask me to say goodbye to my manager. And I was thinking why. I saw him sitting on the wheel chair. Hair grown abit longer that last time. Still very weak. Seems very sick to me. WE just shake hand and I told him to take care.
I saw "A" tears where out. She rush to the toilet.
I was shock. For a while that I can regain my consiconous. It's like too fast that the decision he made, that he want the left the company. Reason? Don't know. Maybe he is sick. MAybe he wanna spend more time with family.... etc. No good answer for this.
I just feel sad. Mostly people leave the company, I won't feel anything. MAybe because they are heathly. We will meet another if we call a gathering. But in this case.... argh.... mix feeling
TS say me your manager really as you wish liao, cannot come to work liao. Because that manager say me have alot of MC and EL at Monday and Friday. Thats why he kacau me, and I don't like. At the time, I really very scare or to say don't like to see him. But now when I see him so sick. Just feel pity.
On weekends, I suddenly think of my manager. Suddenly think on introduce him nutrition. Not because of sales. PV or anything. But because I strongly believe that nutrition can make a person healthier. Because of the balance and enuf nutrtion intake we take from suppliments, our life will be more healthier. I'm one prove. I start to consume full suppliments - nutrition breakfast, now i'm feeling real good.
Just don't know how to approch. Now he left... more don't know how to approch.
Take care my dear manager, wish you luck in your health.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Idaman Suri
My TS one brought 2 pack,
1. Meat Curry Premix
2. Meat Rendang Premix.
All curry ~~
I was wondering why he don't choose Sambal Aneka Premix or Asam Pedas Premix. Cause those can not only cook for meat, but can for vegetables... etc etc.
But still ok, so today morning, we wake up abit early, 11am ... consider late too. Go the w.maju market and buy 1 chickhen. RM11.
Go back, clean the chickhen, cut potato. Put oil into the rice cooker and added the Meat Curry Premix with water. Boil the mixture and later put potato and chickhen. So easy~~!! Let it boil for 30 minute and it can be serve. Wah~ cooking is so easy.
Don't think that the tast will be like shit or tasteless. Because before this, I cook before using other brand premix. No taste the curry. Plus the chickhen no curry taste == the curry can't panetrate the chickhen. But this Idaman Suri Premix is wonderfull. Very thick the curry, the chickhen very strong smell of the curry. plus is very spicy. Keng~~
The latest favour is Tom Yam Premix and Nasi Beryani PRemix .... Fantastic.
This are the food that is on my next list:
- Kangkung Goreng Udang Kering
- Premix Sambal Aneka (basic recipe)
- Ayam Masak Merah
- Fried Asam Pedas Mee Hoon
- Spicy Seafood Bisque
- Tangy Prawn Idaman Suri Style
- Siakap Kukus Asam Pedas
- Crab Curry
- Four Heavenly King
- Spicy Honey Chicken
Seems alot of tasty food, but some I can't cook yet, cause no GAS and fying pan. Soup or curry type I can cook. Never mind, next time baru cook.
For more receipe, please visit Idaman Suri Receipe Page
Friday, March 03, 2006

Latest collection of e-funkhouser collection:) This Eye Color Palette contains 3 complementary E. FUNKHOUSER™ New York Eye Colors, a custom-designed brush applicator and a cleverly integrated mirror. It makes the perfect gift for your favourite make-up maven! I brought the Runaway collection.It consist of 3 colors:
- Flounce (deep purple with silver glitter)
- Strut (grey-black with silver glitter)
- Sashay (iridescent silver with silver glitter)

I wanted to try black color eye shadow, but Artistry didn't come out with that color. Thank god to e-funkhouser, funky color. Bright, cool, striking colors. FYI, I just trust ARtistry and e-funkhouser makeup and baeuty products, because i know its safe for my skin.
Actually my friends kinda say, oh... black color, thats scary.But if u know the techniques, its very very fantastic. I mix before, half pink half black, half green half black, half blue half black.... etc. It mix perfectly well. The 1st day, I mix half blue and half black. Ended up I have light blue to dark blue toning. Which is fantastic.