Sunday, October 21, 2007

Street singers at Gurney drive Penang

Crowd of people gather around and we move forward to see what is happening. Saw a group of people singing, using different instruments. I didn't notice them until I start listen what they are singing, just know that they are Japananse. Some songs are cool~~ nice. Especially their last song - just music only.

They look like designer type people (艺术人), got a man look like those monk in meditation, they even have tie hair and their clothes are like those 艺术人

There have a donation box and people will put $$ in side.
"We want a place to play our music"

Designers are like that ~~

1 comment:

Seok Liew said...

i staying in Penang, also never realiased that, hehe. Only saw @ Explanade, duno they moved to Gurney Drive liao.


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