I was back from work. I need to take the monorial, then stop and switch at Bukit Nanas monorial and continue my journey back home. When I was walking towards the Putra LRT. There was a booth selling water filter called Oasis (if not mistaken). A girl later pass her brochure to me.
I told her I have a water filter at home and I was not interested. She told me that she is not selling any product today. She say that their company has just launched a new show room. She ask me free time go and have a look look. Then she say, we are having a lucky draw, if you are lucky enough, you can win a foot messeger, or a beauty belt..... Then they say need to tear the lucky draw on the spot. OK lo... I tear lo... It show "Congratulations BOT". I held back to her and say what is this? She suddenly become very excited, keep on shaking my hands. Saying that I won their company share holder oh, then will give me profit. I asked: Need money to invest or not? She say no. She keep on congratulate me, shake my hand very hard and saying thank you to me, saying I help her earn RM1200.
Then her colleague nearby come and ask us, she told him I won that BOT thing, he was then very excited too. They keep on telling me that I will be their boss la....how establish they are la. I can get 3% of the share holder... I can get total of RM6600 of water filter + xxx products for free...I stand I chance to win a BMW car....
I felt like it is just impossible that someone just give you something for free. Plus their excitement on the shareholder thing that I got was over reacted. Making their excitement is so fake. A sales girl there keep on saying how good their company and keep on hitting my arm. Which I feel very uneasy of their over-reaction.
They told me that if I want to get their share holder thing, I will need to go to their head office at Klang Lama and will discuss the details there. I told them I don't have transport, and they suggest me to take their company car to go. (Hmm... They now sound suspecious, why need to immediately go, why need to take their company car). As my mum is in this water filter industry for quite a long time, I called her and ask about the validality of the company. I told her the whole situation and she say that she held that company before and tell me not to turst them. Then my mum keep on saying this and that. I told her:"Ma, I call you later, I reject them first". After I hang up the phone, I look at the sales girl, I say no to her and just walk away. I notice when I close down the phone, her face become black. When I rejected her, they didn't come over and pursue me anymore.
On my way back, the more I think, the more I feel not right.
-If there is such a good deal, those sales person can just take and just give to their friends?
-Why the company is so good giving free share holders to strangers around the street?
-Why the company still give them so much commision (RM1200) to the sales person, where they are giving away money(their share holder) to strangers. There are rugi more then earn now (sounds fishy right?)
- Why do I need to claim the price immediately?
- Their booth does not have any other products!!!(the sales girl claim if you win a smaller gift, they will give u on the spot, if you win a bigger gift, you need to take from their shop, I didn't even see any small gift around their booth )
When I told TS at night, he directly told me its a scam (刮刮乐). I heard before this type of scam, just the I didn't know I experience on one of this scam. I was nearly been cheated. But thank god that I always reminding myself there is no free lunch nowadays.