Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Craft webpages and forum

Recently have sucessfully search several useful craft website and forum. Somemore some got alot of free craft ebook - taiwan, english, and japanese. This is so wonderfull. So glad that I found it, save up alot of $$ in buying those expensive japanese craft books.

Here are the forum list:
1. D-XITE.COM - DESIGN中文论坛 -Malaysian Chinese design forum
2. 手工爱好者 - Huge resources of English, Japanese, Chinese Craft books, but so hard to get those points to download more.
3. 清缘坊手工论坛 - Chinese base craft forum
4. 手工制作综合论坛:生活文化馆BBS:-论坛首页
5. 天工论坛 - lots of ebooks to download

Craft tutorial
1. 手工教程 - step by step on learning simple crafts. Various type crafts. Even step by step for basic techiques
2. Beads-i- Korea beads tutorial
3. Gaberibbon - Korean ribbon making hair accesories

Craft books photo gallery - request to swap for ebook (交换电子手工书)
1. pp [hades26] 的相册
2. 奇凡 [nana2780] 的相册
3. 男男 [ynabbliuyn] 的相册
4. 我的杂物屋 [lqlhjgch] 的相册 - 生活纸花DIY ,非常卡片DIY ,心情卡片DIY [added 13/6/07]

Most of them are in China, Taiwan base. You can get alot of ebooks from some of these sites. I have downloaded some. Plan to put up mine so that I can get more books for free, but I don't have a scanner to scan them.

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