You know ended up what? I couldn't manage to find her for lunch. You know the 1st time I meet her, ended up teman her shopping. 2nd time, this time find her, she sleep until too late. Where I could only just talk with her while she is packing her lauggage and make herself ready for her meeting. Sigh~~ When can I talk properly with her ??
While she is preparing herself, I snaps some nice picture from her Hotel room. Here is the swmming pool and tennis court at 5th floor of the hotel. Nice view she have here.
I manage to snap a picture of my office. Here is where I work at. Level 22, MNI Tower.
Here is the Convention Centre and the Pack. Very nice view. Looks greeny and very natural
I can't go back to Penang, this weekend. Too bad. Need to wait until Chinese New Year when she come back again.
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