Wednesday, June 30, 2010

10.0 Jiaoxi homestay 礁溪民宿 + 五峰旗瀑布

Next morning, the home stay lady boss fetch us to the Hualien Train Station( 花蓮車站). We brought a ticket to Jiaoxi Station (礁溪車站). Ticket Price NT$243 for 1 hour and 20 minute train ride. We pay most of our Train Tickets using credit cards.

There are very beautiful seaside views along the journey to Jiaoxi.

Jiaoxi township is famous for hot springs. Almost all hotel or even house have hot spring inside the building itself. At the entrance of the train station, there is a public hotspring for soaking our feets.

I booked this hotel<青禾溫泉家> which cost us NT$1600 per night. Free transport from the train station to the hotel. We got some information of some tourist place and we rent a bike (NT$350 24 hours + fill back the oil tank) to go around. I would not recommend renting a bike because it is not a small town as in Kenting. It is very big town and when we travel from place to place, we tend to get lost on the way.

First, we visited the Wufongci waterfall (五峰旗瀑布)

Yummy yummy BBQ sausage.

Saw this funny road sign on the road.

1 comment:

Billie said...

Hi, your post is very interesting. I am traveling to Jiaosi next Friday. I intend to rent a bicycle from the station and cycle to the Wufengqi Waterfalls and Jiaosi Hotspring. Do you think this is a feasible idea? Thanks!


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