I was only the IT person on the company, everything related to IT, computer, all people will start finding for me. Now I even know how to buy a switch, buy a full set PC, set up a brand new PC beside working as a programmer. My boss wanted me to set up Outlook on each PC. Such a nightmare. Plus I need to finish one project by today, which is friday, but lucky was postpone to next tuesday.
Feel even miserable when someone cheated me my money.
Despite on having so much unlucky, stressful day, it was quite a lucky day that I have receive 2 of 3 FAA lucky Parcel themed Fruits that day.
Let me show what I got:
From CupcakeDD:-
She gave me tons of beautiful fruit fabrics, I love them all. Why Malaysia can't get this kind of fabric? I'm so jealous. And tons of sweets and candy, yummy.
From jek in the box:-
This parcel I love the fabric but I most love the fancy buttons. I only found the strawberry fancy button in here only. Others I could not find them anyway.
What an coincident that a same pattern of fabric was in both of the packages and that fabric I love them so much.
Those fabric is so beautiful that I dare not use it. Cham~
You can see what did I sent.
These are lovely!
i think a shop in petaling street got sell those cute button. There sell a lot of different kid of buttons.
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