Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Mild anisochromasia

What is that mild anisochromasia?

The person who analysis my medical report say I have 地中海贫血带茵者, but I search online, 地中海贫血带茵者 is called Thalassaemia Trait, but why the person I have 地中海贫血?

The person recommend me to have another check up - HB analysis. To determine I am a Alpha or Beta carrier. But the person say that I'm just a carrier, no illness will happen to me. Might be just slight anemia only. The more important thing is that I need to make sure my partner is NOT a carrier too. Else our child will suffer. No blood donation. But I think my partner won't have Thalassaemia, cause he always go donate blood. Too much blood, i guess.

I never heard my dad or my mum say that before. So I ask my sister when she is online. She say that she heard before my parents say that either them have the gen that our cell are not normal. Heard that Jianan also suspect he have the same issue. Have to call back to ask my parents and see whats the issue.

I never ever thought that I have Thalassaemia Trait. No symptoms, nothing at all, but I just know that I seems like not enuf blood, cause they never let me for blood donation. I always can't pass for blood donation. I thought I too skinny, but everytime they say not enuf nutrition.

Whole day, reading information serach on webside, know more this Thalassaemia.

There are a number of different types of thalassaemia within these groups, alpha thalassemia being less diverse than beta thalassaemia.

  • Alpha plus thalassaemia is the mildest type of thalassaemia. It will not affect your health but you may pass it on to your children, who will also be perfectly healthy. This form of thalassaemia is very common in people who come from, or have ancestors from Africa, including many Afro-Caribbeans, India, Pakistan or Bangladesh.
  • Alpha zero thalassaemia is a rare type of alpha thaassaemia. This form of thalassaemia may occur if you or your ancestors originally came from South East Asia, China, the Mediterranean area, and the Middle East. You will be healthy but if you have children and your partner also has Alpha Zero Thalassaemia, your baby has a 1 in 4 chance of having a very serious anaemic disorder called alpha zero thalassaemia major, which is life threatening. Babies who have alpha thalassaemia major are unlikely to survive pregnancy.
  • Beta thalassaemia is seen most commonly in people who originate from Mediterranean Islands, Asia, Middle and the Far East. Because of migration and intermarriage it is also seen in other parts of the world including the UK.
  • Beta Thalassaemia Trait (Carrier) If you have beta Thalassaemia trait you will be healthy but if you have children and your partner also has beta Thalassaemia trait then there is a 1 in 4 chance of each child having the much more serious disorder Beta Thalassaemia major or Beta Thalassaemia Intermedia.
  • Alpha plus Thalassaemia This is very common in some ethnic groups. There are no symptoms and it usually goes unnoticed. There may be slight iron deficiency (anaemia) if the blood is tested for some reason. Sometimes people may be mistakenly diagnosed as having iron deficiency anaemia and be treated with iron medications unnecessarily.
  • Alpha Zero Thalassaemia There are no symptoms and you are perfectly healthy. However if both parents have alpha zero thalassaemia they have a 1 in 4 chance of having a baby who has alpha zero thalassaemia major which is incompatible with life; the baby is often born prematurely and is dead or dies shortly after birth.
  • Beta Thalassaemia Trait (Carrier) There are usually no symptoms and you are perfectly healthy, however there are an increased number of cells and they are smaller than those without the condition. It can cause mild anaemia because slightly less haemoglobin is produced than normal. This usually does not usually cause you any symptoms and cannot be treated by increased iron intake.
  • Beta Thalassaemia major Between birth and three to six months, your baby with Beta thalassaemia major will seem normal and quite healthy. Your baby will then begin to show symptoms of anaemia (they become pale) there may be shortness of breath, jaundice and an enlarged spleen.

Not sure which type is me? Need to check it out. Hope its just minor issue.

More information :
Thalassaemia Association od Malaysia
What is Alpha thalassaemia?
What is Beta thalassaemia ?

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