Monday, June 02, 2008

Injury feet

I just walk at roadside beside some shop houses and just got hook on some hole with water meter and just got myself like this.

Didn't thought it was that serious, but is still continue pain after 1 day whenever I walk. The actual position is at the area above my 4th toe. I can see bruise on that area and when I touch, it is extreemly pain. If I leave it, it will recover, but slower and might have side effects. So decided to seek medical help from tradisional chinese doctor. I don't beleive that normal doctor can help me alot on this. Remember last time the doctor just see see and wrap a bandage for me. (Aiyo, I also know how to wrap, no need to pay for you to wrap la). Chinese medical doctor will tell help you have light message and ended up I was wrap on my feet with smelly chinese herbs medicine. Every 4 hour I need to pump in white wine on my wrap feet. Funny ~~ why white wine?

Chinese medication have so much cannot eat food, see this clinic have a do-not list. So many things have to avoid eating at this period.

Tomorow I can un-wrap from this huge ugly bandage from my feet. Hope I can walk without much pain.


mangosteenskin said...

hope u get well soon!!

Connie said...

Take care of yourself ya. recover soon. =)


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