Friday, July 18, 2008

Clay mold & iron-on

This craft and art shop is just beside Daiso Vivo city.

Manage to get this 2 things:
Clay Mold by donerland, another korean brand of clay, it have a clay called angel clay which is quite similar to iclay or jumping clay that we get in Malaysia. Got this food theme clay mold. I love making food stuffs.

Had a try using resin clay, but seems like cannot form the shape as it is very sticky and stick on the mold, but using jumping clay (light weighted) is still ok. TS ask me to let it dry on the mold. I was just scare that if dry on the mold, later cannot get it out from the mold. Anyone have any idea on this??

Iron on stickers. $2 per pack of 4. No much choice. I think this is the most cuties one.


Anonymous said...

wow so nice, waiting ur hand made , me also very like making food but i got clay not yet start hehehe :D

Sing Yee said...

Hmmm... Maybe you can try dusting the mold with cornflour before pressing the resin clay into it? I heard this goes well with molds for polymer clay, but not sure about resin clay. Alternatively, you can try cooking oil - just a light brush over the mold. That might just work for getting the clay out.

If you know what resin clay is made of, then maybe you can try liquids that can clean resin clay. For example, the polymer clay can be cleaned with turpentine, and I rub the surface I work with the clay with a little turpentine. It helps that the clay doesn't stick onto the surface much.

These are just some suggestions. I'm not really sure either. ^-^"

mangosteenskin said...

i've seen people use mold for clay. they pour the clay into the mold and let it dry in there. but that one i saw the clay like thick liquid. i guess something is added into the clay.

Ciyou said...

sing yee & mangosteenskin: thanks for your comment, I will try it out and see.


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