- Washing machine
- Music device - eg: laptop, ipod, mp3 player,....
- Master in beauty line - Knowledge increase in beauty and makeup industry.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
5 goals to acheive next year
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
Dragon fruit

Today , before I come to work, I stop by the fruit stall beside the LRT station at Avenue K and brought some dragon fruit. I never knew the dragon fruit flesh could be in pruple color. Because all the while I was just eating white flesh dragon fruit only. I make up my mind and select the purple flesh dragon fruit and take it to office.
Its the same taste as the white flesh dragon fruit. Doesn't have extremely sweet as what the shop say. But its so weird that you are eating something that is very purple. The color come out like water. Its like eating purple colouring sweets. Where it will leave purple color on your teeth and your tougue. Oh my god. I didn't bring my toothbrush to work. Argh.....
But its a really good experience.
Thai Website
Friday, December 02, 2005
Music that touch my heart
The more you listen, the more you more want to listen, the more you the feel, even swing towards the feel of the tone, melody, seens along long time haven't listen to songs that can contact to my soul, mind, and heart.
I told a friend of mine that I listen to Jay songs, she say :"you listen to her song's one mer??"
Seens his song is abit well known, I start listening. Very impressive, althought ppl say that his pronounsation very blur, maybe its his style. The most attactive artist that can steal my heart are those self created songs. The artist who know how to write songs, melody and sing. Plus will instrument. Going to their concert will be very very worth in the sense that you not only can listen to their songs only, but can see their instrumental performance LIVE:)
Jay Chau, David Tao, LeeHOm ... are mine favorite.
Thursday, December 01, 2005

歌手:周杰伦 专辑:十一月的萧邦
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
Friday, November 18, 2005
Harry Potter is back
Latest movie of Harry Potter is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
I remember when his 1st movie just launch, it was the same year with the Lord of the Ring. So every year, I would surely go to the movie and watch both of the movie. Lord of the Ring ended 2 years back, so I have only keep on chasing Harry Potter's only.
Why I love Harry Potter?
Magic, fantasy, wizard, witch. That's always an imagination when I was a kid. Its like that when you are young, u tend to read story books like Peter Pan, Beauty and the Beast, Alladin.... etc. The more you read, the more our imagination will grow. Thinking of that you can fly and create magical things. I'm not so sure that does magic/ wizard exsist in this world or not. But it could be quite fun if there is magic in the world. Harry Potter movies seems to make my imagination more wider. People can think. And they do can imagine. Imagination is far more unrealistic, but its fun. The Author of Harry Potter is J. K. Rowling.
Looking thru those review, preview and information, did u all notice that the 3 main characters - Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasly, have grown up? From small kids into teenages. The most changes is the little girl - Hermione Granger. From a cute little girl to a young lady. Still remember the 1st episode that scene is the train. Small small, now already a big and beautiful girl.
Heard that this movie have a new asian girl act as Cho Chang, Harry's crush. She looks pretty at the first look on a gala dinner dance with her chinese dress. Love it.
Hope to watch the movie soon, but this weekend is super not free ... Sigh***
Chea Siang Website
Don't really know why he have this website. Overall comment is the design is very good, but lack of content, nothing much to see. According to him, its just the BEGINING.
His site is free hosting, so I guess I can build a page just for fun.
domain : http://www.freedomain.co.nr/
hosting: www.websamba.com
Friday, November 11, 2005
Back to nutrition
My protien I keep in on my office, I don't buy bread or bisket at the morning, instate of drinking a mixture of Protien + Active 8 + Positirum + other pills from nutrition daily. Whole day I would add some Active 8 intake. And suprisingly, this few days I feel very fresh, won't get sleepy at the afternoon after meal. Especially when I drinked Active 8 after meals. The vitB really helps in changing the carbohdyate to enegry :)
I would like to increase it as a habit that I eat the minimum nutrition I need. Which means, at nite after dinner and at noon after lunch. But my breakfast and lunch time is only 2 hours difference. So I might consider to take at tea time.
Lesser bread and bisket but increase in intake of nutrition suppliment, I bet my stomach will recover soon as last time. So I can eat Tom Yam once awhile :)
Time time...
Whole week, we didn't have the chance to have dinner together. When he came back, I was asleep. Yesterday he was back earlier then usual, but still no chance to talk with him. Cause one of my friend stop by to collect her staff. The only chance is to talk with him at the phone. Sometimes not even at the phone because he is too busy.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Pang's Family Team Meeting
2nd time wasn't a great fear to me as I slightly know what will happen at the events.
This year my love is the community, he is super busy until I don't have the time to even chat with him as he pass by me. But he did really present his very best to everyone.
This year Pang's Family Team Meeting is change to Pang's Family Reunion. Theme of going home.
Was wondering why it was a theme of going home until 1 event let me release that its "Going home".
This year, many people drop their tears on stage, not to say they are scare on stages, but they seems like some how get touch in the love and the care that those community back gave to us. Its more then a sell and buy business to me when I saw it, when I feel it. It's more towards a freindship and a family to us.
There is one scene that all people cheer and encourage "lau ge" and "lau jie". Everyone thanked them for their care and love. Every words spoken is the words of truth and every touch as tears flow down even for some men infront of hundrend people. The care for "lau ge" and "lau jie" is so sincere.
One of the most touching part is, Hoo thanked "lau jie" for forcing him to eat nutrition. He said to us, if its not her, he will be die by now, as he major heath problem back on 2004. he said:"Don't let your love ones and the one who love you to be worry about ur health. When they force you eat nutrition, they means they care about u!! " . This remains me that NTS everyday telling me to eat nutrition, but I just ingore. Which I so bad and keep on let him worry about me. So sorry to my love.
I dont have very deep thought towards "lau ge" n "lau jie", but I have thoughts for Hoo. NTS always tell me that: "We must trust hoo, he won't hurt us". He helped NTS, me and others alot. More then a friend would help on. When I heard him say, that at 2004 that year he was nearly die but he doesn't want to die because he scare that his students still cannot survive because doesn't achieve DD and above. That means alot to us. I didn't know that his care of us is so high. Especaially for NTS they all.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
I'm the only one who is in long holiday, I apply 2 days leave but I have a total of 9 days holiday...~ Cool
But alone having so much holiday sucks
Nothing to do much, at home sit, tidy up things, call people for yam cha, find more people, so shopping, tidy up my room..... bla bla bla. So less friends to hang out. No drama to watch on. Hai~~ No TV, No computer. Just a FM radio.
Such a boring week.
Argh... later don't know what to do next.
I guess I need to read my books and listen my tape and call up some friends :)
不得不爱 ~ 潘玮柏*弦子
Free listening to 不得不爱
i love you
i love you
i love you
i love you
love you
Friday, October 28, 2005
Baba-Nyonya (峇峇娘惹)

What is Baba Nyonya?
Baba Nyonya are terms used for the early Chinese immigrants to the Nusantara region, including both the British Straits Settlements of Singapore, Malacca and Penang and the Dutch-controlled island of Java among other places.
1st I known Baba Nyonya is when I study history in school. Just know that there is such a group of people called Baba Nyonya. But don't really go and study why there are like this. I guess that time I hated History very much. Why? I have bad memory. Hard to memorize all the facts.
2nd, when I meet my bf and his friend, they are saying nyonya dumplings are very nice, very special. Plus Hoo always mention those food from Baba Nyonya group very different. Especially they home cooked food. He keep on stressing how good is was
3nd, when I meet a real Baba Nyonya ancestry, a real Baba men. Haha. Their Malay is very good. Seems like they speak Malay in their home with their parents. Huh.. Malay?? Special! But aren't they chinese??
4th, finally a Nyonya girl stay at my house ~ Susie. She was my bf ex-housemate. Cool. Now all my question have been solved. I finally know more detail on what they are, what are their culture, what's their languge... etc. Cool.
Susie told me got friends ask her:
"Are you muslim?"
"Can you eat pork?"
"ARe you Malay?"... etc
Baba Nyonya were partially assimilated into the Malay culture (especially in food, dress, and language), while retaining some Chinese traditions (religion, name, and ethnic identitity), thereby creating a fusion culture of their own.
I finally know that Baba Nyonya is Chinese, they are not muslim nor Malay and have retained the ancestral worship tradition of the Chinese.
Because their great grand great grand... too high above are Chinese married with Malay. So they have different langguage, culture then those who are Malay or Chinese.
Baba Malay [Bahasa Melayu Baba] , is a dialect of the Malay language [Bahasa Melayu], which contains many Hokkien words. Susie told me that its not totally Malay, but mix with alot of hokkien inside. When she is young, she will get confuse on Malay and Baba Nyonya Language. When she is young, she live with her grandma, which she use to speak with her grandma Baba Nyonya Language. Her grandma don't know other language then Baba Nyonya Language. She told me, when she is young, people use to misunderstood and though her she was a malay kid instead of a chinese kid. Hahahaha... But she seldom speak now. I ask her. Will u teach your kid this language? She say depands. I guess this society will become more and more forbidden. Losing its people and culture.
Susie say that her grandma is a pure Nyonya, dishes are all spicy. Almost every dish is spicy.Without spicy, her grandma can't eat. Must add cilipadi. Oh my god.!!!
She also told me that nyonya wear the baju kebaya. But the baju kebaya is transparent!! Oh.. so sexy. You can look thru their transparent baju kebaya and see their bra's. Susie told me now the younger generation will wear a tub or spagatee strip inside. But the older generation still wear as usual. Exposing their bras. Baba Nyonya far more open minded. I guest!!
Its a great time talking to her when I'm free. She let me know more and more about her culture. Must visit her house in Melaka 1 day. Meet her grandma. :)
** I Have added images from jooli.com ~~ dolls constume creation **
Pack with people
But on my way back. The train even more and more people. When I reach KLCC, it seems like weekends where there is a lot ppl in the shopping mall, seems like those Malay people are starting to on leave and make their last shop in order to celebrate Hari Raya. I also saw alot od Indian as Depavalli is near to the corner as well.
I would like to go shoping in monday and wednesday. Its not the holiday, but I scared too many people crowding in the shopping mall.
Breakfast ~ Positrium
Today, I make a cup for myself too, but when I started to drink,
"eh.... why the taste like different one?"
Drinked more to taste.
"eh.... abit light, the taste like too less positrium and too much water."
"I put the whole pack, hmm.... the positrium spoil liao??"
"Die, later I stomach ache again... argh...."
But until I drink until half, I strire and see. Just found out the because I didn't strite properly, which make all the powder of the positrium at the end of the cup. Which tells why the drink taste that weird.
Now, my stomach abit full with water, as I drink 1 and a half cup of positirum. :P
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
To do next week!~
Actually I apply 2 day leave, but I have whole week of holiday~~ yeah. Bcoz of the dual festival season.
Things to buy at the holiday/weekend
- Toilet paper
- Ring's file
- Color divider
- sport shoe
- Plastic File
- Extension cord
- white board
- more chairs + 1 square table
- Mirror
- start hurting for CNY dress
Things to do at holiday/weekend
- Invite people for SAM machine
- Go to the dentist
- Go to do medical checkup
- Read daily and listen tapes daily
Petrol vs Coke

Oh no.... Petrol price have increase dramastically from last year until now. Malaysia already have 5-6 time increasement of petrol price.
Many people tend to go to fill up their car with petrol the nite b4 petrol price increase. Will you all do that?Although they say that only increse 10 cents per liter, but its still alot.
I have a friend working in the petrol station, he said that the nite b4 petrol increase, tat day sales will increase about 3 -4 times. Wah.... That means alot people come and line up to fill up their tanks. But one car only have 1 tanks, how can it be that much? My friend say that, behind the booth, there are 6-8 container for each car. Oh my god. Thats why they can have this kind of sales.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Sick again
Friday was a terrible stomack ache, I feel that I drink less water, so I drinked alot. Too much until my stomach become blotty full. Argh.. Evening I started become hungry, but was too lazy to go downstairs to buy something to eat. Thinking that later company meeting should have some stuff to eat. But... at last company meeting is cancel... Oh.. where is my food??
I was lazy to go down to buy food when I saw the time was near toward 7pm. My stomach become more and more air, pain and suffer. Later one of my collegue give me "ang ku" kuih, I was too hungry that I eaten it fast enough and wanting more and more. After eating was still the same `PAIN`. No choice but to go to my next destination. I have my CALMAG (calsium + magnisium) in hand, but No Water... How to telan??
Waited Long for the bus to come. What kind of public transport is this, 1 hour just come 1 bus... argh.
Reach my destination, found WATER in a convinent shop and telan 4 calmag at once. Suprissingly after 15 minutes later, it become lesser and lesser pain. But still sometimes when I'm neavers, I still will be hurting for painfull stomach.
Reached home, diherra again. So sad. Wondering what I eat that cause this pain. Oh.. I remember that I eat chickhen rice and I forgotten I couldn't eat spicy. I dip on the spicy chili sauce serve with the chickhen rice. Oh... My stomach still can't really stand spicy staff yet.
After a few times at the toilet, I was to tried that I felt asleep until he called me up for bath.
Saturday was a missirable day too. Whole day spending in the toilet, diherra like hell.. Face whiten as a paper (according to my friend). Whole day eat very light light food.
Sunday I recover more. I have KFC for lunch. But I regreted for it. Not because I diherra again, but KFC no taste. I use to eat Hot n Spicy KFC but because of my stomach, I eat original taste and I cannot dip chili sauce. Ended up diping tomato sauce which tasted sucks. At nite I eat nasi lemak, cause I missed the sayur there (not spicy 1), but I can't eat its curry chickhen, ended up with just black sauce meat. Argh. Taste not good too :(
Conclusion, when you are sick, dont try to eat those things you like which you cannot eat, but push it tobecome something that u can eat. Hai~~
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Food poisoning
Suppose to be a wonderfull weekend at home, ended up food poisoning.
I'm not sure what a ate, just 2-3 days later, I will kena food poisoning for sure. Not sure is the food, the water, the plates that I'm using.... etc.
I will start with diherra non-stop, then stomach ache, then body tried, then sleep whole day.
Plus this time I go back, my face pop-up alot of pimples, and it feel itchy in my face and my body.
What house is it going to be?
Not sure is it the Kutu at my house. Currently my house is under Kutu attack from my dogs. Sugar (outside) -> got alot of kutu at his body, with cause the 2 small dog inside the house kena kutu attack too. My parents everyday were busy helping them caught the kutu. but it still came n came and came back. Its so much as u can see alot crawling at the floor, coming out from the piano. Sucks. I have kill alot. They will kesi kesi die and if u not take care, it will run away. I think I beem killing more the 50 kutu. It being crawling here and there and everywhere in my house. It seems they will smell, if there is a dog there, they will crawl until there.
Argh.... might be the kutu hunting make me food poisoning...
Friday, October 14, 2005
我常常告诉自己 :“这些是短暂的,会吃苦的人是吃一阵子苦的,不会吃苦的人是一辈子吃苦的。他常常不在家是因为他在外头建立我和他未来。是为了我们将来的日子而干的”。 将来我会有他所有的时间。
Thursday, October 13, 2005
My Birthday Present

The love shape pandent is cool. The look its base on the lighting of light. If u put on a flat surface (eg u put it on the table), it look like a normal heart shape, abit not prefect. But if u wear it as a necklance, it will shine as the light reflex on it. Producing a prefect shine of heart shape. Really cool design. I love it so much. I feel deeply in love. Thanks NTS. I love you.
Birthday card for NTS

I did this card for NTS (my love) during his birthday at 2004. Its was a simple love love card to him. As I love handmade crafts, I guess I create one for him. Its quite simple and cutting papers and stick everything together. The most challeging part would be sticking the love love on the card, as I would like it to be abit 3D effect.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Painfull day
From morning until now, I when to the toilet almost 8 times.
All is diheriea. I don't know its because of my period or what that cause this situation.
Both pain for stommach ache and period pain. Forcing me to eat more (which I don't have much appitiate in) , because if I dont eat, it will be very very much more painful for me.
Monday, October 03, 2005
He's back
He is back!!
He is back!!
He is back!!
He is back!!
He is back!!
He is back!!
He is back!!
Crazy are?
My Love is finally Back to KL.
Miss him alot. Even though its just 3 days.
He called. Haha...
Said that suprise that the living room was clean. Was praising me.
Enter the room, ahhhh... still the same... Haha
I didn't tidy up our room but only the living room only.
Haha... Lazy.
But at last, he is back :) Love you
Lonely weekend
Have been alone all day ~_~
wake up with him, sent him off to Hoo's car
alone walk to buy my breakfast
alone walk up to condo
alone lepak at home
alone fall asleep
alone wash clothers
alone go to have lunch (But meet friends called Wendy and Marina)
alone go comic shop to read comic (until Janet come to find me)
alone drive back (to drive Janet to the LRT station)
alone go shopping (brought my rope to do the friendship band)
alone go wondering
alone go have my dinner
alone at home wash clothers
alone at home listen radio (too scared to be alone at home without any noice accompany me)
alone doing the freindship band (finally successfull)
alone clean up my house
alone waiting phone calls (but ended up no phone call)
alone sleep (can't sleep) ,... 4am baru zzzZZzzzzZZZ...
alone wake up
alone have lunch (brought some cakes, and fruits, don't feel like to eat chicken rice)
alone at home, listen radio
alone wash clothers
alone drive to Prima setapak
chat with Fei
have dinner with Fei (finally not alone)
shopping with Fei (not alone :) )
alone go Sri Pelangi (find Yun yi)
alone drive back
alone walk up to condo
alone waited phone (he called, but I have to sent SMS in advance)
alone bath
alone sleep (didn't afaird as i'm too tried)
Friday, September 30, 2005
Are you curious of what your birthday say about u?
Dahfa Dried Fish Fillet

I use to buy it when I was in primary school. It is either in one whole piece or in slices. Those days was just 20 cents per small pack 12g (number 4 pack). Use to go to the canteen to buy it.
In High school, every year we have an year end food party. I still remember that one of our snack is this Dahfa Dried Fish Fillet, I think they brought the biggest pack for the whole class - 180g (number 2 pack) which cause RM10++. At the end, we need to play games and the people who lose need to eat those fish fillet. Whahahha.
During Form 4 or Form 5, my classmates was discussing about snacks, I was wondering what they were discussing about. They say cuttle fish. I thought it was cuttle fish, but ended up it was the Dahfa Dried Fish Fillet they was talking about. Oh... there ia alot of people like that snack.
I usually buy 70g pack (number 3 pack) and I can finish up that pack in 1 day. Ummm.... So I need to control abit. And I particular like this brand. Other brand I don't like. Their taste is not quite the same. This brand is still my favorite snack :) :)
Pink Guava

When I was young, my old house at Batu Maung, my dad have 2 guava plant and 1 mango tree. I still have my photos when I was a kid with the guava tree plus the guava fruit beside me. Guava have a strong refreshing guava smell from its fruits to its leafs. Very nice. From young, I always like guava fruit.
Recently, I brought Juice Concentrate with Guava favour. Wah... Its my favorite. It taste good. Similiar as to eating a guava. Yummy.... But different people have different taste buds. Some like mango, some like guava, some like orange... etc.
"Fresh guavas have yellowish/green skin and their flesh is either pink or white." I didn't know that there is pink guava until I buy the juice concentrate. Usually what we eat is white flesh. But pink. Never eat it before. Need to go look look at the supermarket. Might have some clues.
Why pink guava have a beautiful pink color flesh? Because it is rich in both vitamins A and C. Cool.....
Dried Guava Slice is one of my favorite too. LAst time I use to don't like this snack. I prefer fresh guava then dried ones. Fresh one seems more healty to me :) But after I friend of mine always buy for me this snack, its seems I more and more like it. But I need to drink much water after eating it. It looks like this

Thursday, September 22, 2005
Bear Dogs, Popular in Japan

Drawing by Julian Beever
the image below has been taken to a wrong angle….

this is the same one viewed on the right angle...

Phone calls... Ring ring

Do you experience this situation?
During one period, my love do call me whenever I reach the office at 10am. Its seems like a daily routine task. He will sing "the pig" song and talk for a while before he end up the phone.
Suddenly, he stop calling at 10am. First day... hmm maybe he is busy. 2nd day...he forgotten. 3rd day... until one day I finally realise I was sort of waiting for his phone calls. Not purposely wait. Just its became an habit.
This method is usually use when a guy wants to chase a girl. First he everyday call, for several weeks. Until one day, he didn't call. That girl will somehow wondering why the guy didn't call her? Is it something wrong? She starts thinking of him more and more.
Eh... I'm his gf, shouldn't I have those feeling?? :(
Today he didn't called. Feel uneasy. Something seems not right. Feel lonely. Why don't I call him? Why should I call him.... Argh.... just write your blog la.
Still miss his call I guess. ALthought some time his call is just singing "the pig song". Love him.

Yesterday I eat Rendang. Rendang Daging (Lembu)
Shh... shh... shh...
Can't let my Love know. He won't kiss me that night. Hahaha.
Redang Daging is actually my favorite dish. Its actually beef. But cooked in a malay style called rendang. The spicies are very nice. But spicy. An good rendang dish is the beef is very soft and easy to bite. Some beef is not easy to bite. My freind told me that is related to how they cut the beef. The beef meat have trail, and if you cut the wrong trail, (not according to the pattern), when people eat, it will be very hard to bite. Like biting something that cannot be broken.
I like rendang then those steak at the restoran. So how I still haven't really try out the beauty of steak. But currently, I like Rendang daging the most. Whenever near Hari Raya (Malay New Year), there is 1 month they have puasa. I like to go there and eat their kuih muih and Rendang. Taste simply delicious. My mum use to buy us rendang too when I was in Penang for addition dish to add on. Althought my grandma always say that, if u pray the "Kuan Ying" god, you are not suppose to eat beef. But can't. Its taste good. Very delicious. My love can't eat because his more into religious. His way is not to eat beef from young. But I don't really care. Just don't let him know. Else he won't kiss me :(
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Carrot Juice

Carrot Juice. What so special?
Special in every Sunday morning, my papa at Penang hometown will blend a cup full of fresh carrot juice for us. Whole family. You can see 30 batang of carrot just disappear become 6 glass of fresh carrot juice. It is not like those we drink outside. Its totally fresh without adding color and sugar.
My love visit my home several times before. My papa blend extra 1 carrot juice for him too. But when I pass the juice to him, he seems to be very SAD face. Hard to accept the juice. Why? I don't know. I still force him to drink too. Those are from my hard work blend from my papa. So he have no choice but to drink it. Twice already. Like those mummy forcing their children to eat vegetable.
Later, from a friend of mine, I just known that he doesn't like carrot.. Oh my god~~ Finally known why his face like that. But as long as he got visit my house, he need to drink that juice. He can't say no from my dad.
For me, I'm a rabbit. I can even eat uncook carrot. Slice it into pieces and eat it as a tit-bits. I bring carrot to school to eat as tea break. Friends look at me as Alien. Haha... I prefer uncook carrot more then cook carrot. :)
Friendster Blog
Some posting will be duplicate as in here, but some are not.
Street Art or... just art

Wedding Dinner for Chan Peng :)

I wear U2 purple spagatee strip + mama's red, lace, long skirt. Very very loose. Mama say it's not nice to wear jeans to people's wedding. I added some BIG beads earing from my sister. Cool. Plus purple pink make ups at my face. No worries of of makeup problems.
Going to friend's wedding seems like Friends gathering. Why because she invited some friend in secondary school, Penang collage and some from KL collage. (Too bad, Kl collage friend didn't come). First, we meet Kok Wei, Beckham, Chen Han. Then when we go in the hall, we meet Siew Kee, Pei Hoon n bf, Han yin, York Chin n bf, Yong Yuan n gf, Gaik mei, Hee Phong, Saw Boon Keong n gf, and many more... (forgotten their name liao). So happy to see everyone, all have grown up become leng lui or leng chai.
We cheer her in her wedding. Chinese wedding usually have "Yam seng" (cheers) in every table by the host. They need to go table by table to drink up a cup of wine/drink. Its a chinese traditional. But this is a vegetarian wedding dinner, so no alcholic drink - wine. But still got beer. But the bride and her husband use orange juice to cheers with us. Supposingly everytable, you need to shout out "Yam seng". That's the spirt of the wedding dinner. But don't know why that day, a few table perform this act only. Not much. But when they come to our table, 8 girl+2 men+the couple shout like hell. It's like giving our blessing of happiness to the newly married couple.
Wish Han Siong and Chan Peng having a wonderful marriage and give birth to kid next year.
Monday, September 19, 2005
电脑族可多喝 绿茶、菊花茶
- 接触到电磁辐射外
- 电脑荧光屏的闪动对眼睛也有刺激作用-> 让人出现流泪,视力减, 头昏脑涨等不适征状, 眼睛处于紧张状态
- 下肢静脉曲张、颈椎病 、腰椎间盘突出
- 近视
- 视觉的过度疲劳->导致青光眼,干眼症,白内障,角膜溃疡和视网膜剥脱等,

- 抗辐射作用
- 维生素C , 维生素E , 胡萝卜素转变为维生素A(滋养眼睛)
- 丰富的维生素A
- 治疗眼睛疲劳、视力模糊,觉得眼睛干涩,
- 能让人头脑清醒、双目明亮,特别对肝火旺、用眼过度导致的双眼干涩
- 喝菊花茶方法:
Friday, September 16, 2005
Good or bad things are compared. Meaning: For an object, we can determine it's good or bad by comparision. Comparision as a same type.
I've been selling mooncakes for 1 month plus. As I promote my mooncakes, they usually will ask: "Is your mooncake tasty?" I definately will say "yes". And they will say, "aiya... you sell mooncakes, sure will say it's tasty la".
My friend ask me to buy those pasar malam (night market) mooncakes which cost RM3 - RM5 per piece and try. Then you will know the difference. But I never go and buy. Seens my friend say the quality definately worst then what we sell. No point wasting money to try food that is not good.
LIVE Concert

Date: 1 Oct 2005
Location: Putra Stadium of the Bukit Jalil National Sports Complex Time: 8pm
Tickets: RM78, RM138 and RM188.
One of my friend ~ Janet plan to watch this concert. I don't know this concert at all until she told me she plan to go with her friends. She plan to buy RM188 ticket.
Is it worth it for 1 ticket of RM188 for a live event?
For me, some times it's worth, depends on how you determine the VALUE of the singer.
Which singer will you go? Which singer you will buy the most expensive ticket and go?
Me?? Here are my list ~~
- Lee Hom
Because he is handsome, cute, very the MAN. Whahahaha
The main reason is I love his music. His music is his creation which is super fantastic. I love his music rhythm. Very different from other singers. Plus he know how to play musical instruments - Piano, gitar, violin.... Its great to have a handsome MEN that know how to play musical instruments. Too bad his not a dancer. - Jay Chow
Most people say his wording is not clear enuough, but he still have great creation in the music world. His song's represent his own personality. Special in 1st place. Melody in 2nd. I more prefer his soft soft love song more. Hehehe..Plus his concert will be a very interesting one as he have alot of special clothing, effects, events, and entertainment for it's FANs. He knows Piano too. Argh... as long as the MEN know's piano, I will be very the crazy about him. Plus he have a mouth which in "N" in shape. Did you notice that? It's the same mouth shape as my LOVE.... Hehe.. Which I use to laugh him last time. - Ah Mei
Her concert seems HOT to me. She dance, she sings, she scream, she dress sexy, she sings love songs.... I use to be her fan last time during collage in Penang. WE use to listen to her song again and agian until we memorize all. But forgoten her song title. o_o - Micheal Jackson
I still remember there is once that he have a concert in MALAYSIA. Everyone was saying, if you this time no go to his concert, you will never have a chance again. Yeah... I guess so, seens now he is retire and with so many law case with him. Too bad! My parent's use to listen to his songs, which made us know him when we where in a very young age. Those old old song of his is also very good. Very meaningful. - Yet to be found......
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Pink Tee

Imagine a guy wearing pink Tee!! Or a pink shirt!!
Today I saw I youngster wearing this pink Tee in the LRT. Surprisingly it looks GOOD at him. But later I saw a dark skin person wearing a pink shirt. Looks UGLY. I also see some of my collegues wear pink shirt to work. But abit darker or lighter then this. But it still looks OK to them.
My love one doesn't like this color. He likes blue. From dark blue to light blue to white. He don't like light brown, purple, yellow, pink nor green. It's so unfortunate that he couldn't have the chance to notice those brilliant beauty of color. I love colors. Bright colors!
What's your favorite sushi?

Link to online book:《大长今》
I known this long drama episode in Astro. Everytime when I go back to Penang, I will have some chance to watch at the TV. (KL house no TV).
First time, I saw the main character was a servant in the kingdom whom serve food.
2nd time, I saw she was a doctor.
3rd time, I saw the last 2 episode until the end of the story.
Hahaa.... what a way to finish up 1 long drama which is 70 hours long.
Every friend of mine seems to chase this movie. Why? Isn't those drama that cry cry and drag drag for very long? Hmm....
But later, what amaze me is that this is not a normal drama, it a real history in North Korea. Wah!!
Put this movie in my List 1st, before I forget.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
My house wish list
- Washing machine ~ mountains of dirty clothes..... argh...
- Frigde - cool drinks
- Sharp Double Grill Convection Microwave Oven ~ quick way to cook
- Stove
- Cooking materials - Pots, fying pan....
- Philips Essence Smart Food Processor / Juice squeezer
- A queen mattress
- 12 column shelf
- New curtains
- More tables and chairs
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Sick sick sick
1st day: kerongkong sakit, abit flu
2nd day: flu, no voice
3rd day: flu, but recovering
4th day: diarrhea.. teruknya.
5th day: flu+ diarrhea
Friday, August 26, 2005
"Shawls ... made for centuries universal and embracing, symbolic of an inclusive, unconditionally loving, God. They wrap, enfold, comfort, cover, give solace, mother, hug, shelter and beautify. Those who have received these shawls have been uplifted and affirmed, as if given wings to fly above their troubles…”I didn't know that there is a meaning for shawl. I love shawl because of the colors. And it can sometimes make me warm when its a cool weather. I thought it was just a purely fashion base knowlege.
Written in 1998 by: Janet Bristow © 2005
There are some uses for the shawl...
- Undergoing medical procedures;
- as a comfort after a loss, during bereavement, prayer or meditation,
- commitment or marriage ceremonies, birthing, nursing a baby;
- as a bridal shower gift;
- leading ritual;
- first menses or croning rites of passage, during an illness and recovery;
- ministering to others or just socializing...
Some more, there are symbolic meaning of different colors of shawl. Check it out
My lovely sister brought 3 shawls for me from Singapore.
- pink (toning from pink to light pink)
- Blue (tonning from blue to light blue)
- black
3 of them are normal shawl. My sister brought it in a warehouse sales. 3 for s$10. Converted to RM is about RM23. Per shawl is almost rm8. Shopping malls in KL are selling RM20++ for 1 shawl... See how much they earn.
Rainy day
Rainy day in home ~ I love it, because I can sleep on my bed with my warm comforter
Rainy day at office ~ Shivering, because the office temparature is as cool as a fridge.
Rainy day at the road ~ Wet, as even with a good big Umbrella, I will still get any how wet here or there.
Rainy day at the car ~ Blury, hard to see road clearly, need to pay 100% attention to the road, plus its slippery.
Rainy day at the motorcycle ~ Hate it! Wet from body to toe. Only hair no wet only.
Rainy day on the bus ~ Cool, wet, shivering...
Rainy day for umbrella shops ~ Good sales, shopers tend to markup the price to very high, but still people buy.
For Giordano, this shop have special price for umbrella at rainy days.
Sunny day - RM29
Rainy days - RM16
Its cheaper in rainy days.??!! Weird right.
People tend to sell umbrella in a higher price during rainy days, this shop sell lower price in rainy days. Why?? To make consumer convience. Because alot people need this at rainy days.
Rainy day for kids ~ Down, sad. Cannot play in the park.
Rainy day for road side hawker ~ Sad, everything is wet. Less customers.
Do you like rainy days?? What is your felling in rainy days??
LRT Monthly Pass
For me... Its not that worth it. Last time I just need to pay RM70 for a month, now I have to pay extra RM20 more. Because RM 2 per travel from Wangsa Maju to KLCC.
RM2 x 2 x 22 = RM88 (cheaper then the LRT monthly pass rate)
(per trip) x (2 trip per day) x (working days)
But if I buy normal passing every day, sometimes when I need to go somewhere else, like Taman Jaya, Taman BAhagia, Pudu.., thats where I need to pay more. No choice. Need to still buy the monthly pass.
Until today, I finally can utilize the monthly pass.
Today I went to pudu during my lunch time, seens now the monthly pass its applicable for STAR LRT, might wise I use it. Lesser walking distance. That was what I thought on my mind. When I came to KLCC, the sky become dark, strong wind its blowing ... rain will come soon. I stick to my plan. From KLCC to Masjid Jamid (Putra LRT) and Masjid JAmid to Plaza Rakyat (Star LRT). Its was raining heavly that time when I reach masjid jamid. Thank god I have the monthly pass, else I need to pay another amount of money to take the STAR LRT.
God is fair, when something bad happen to you, there will
have a equal value good thing to happen to you as a return.
But I still got some rain too, cause the whole journey, there are some part its without shelter, but consider really really luckly already. Before this, I usually travel from KLCC to Pasar Seni (PUTRA LRT), just 1 more station from Masjid Jamid. And need to walk about 15 minute without shelter to reach the bus station. Now if I take STAR LRT, I will walk for less 5 minuts with shelter.
I'm abit clumsy as I take the wrong direction train when travel from Plaza Rakyat to MAsjid JAmid (STAR LRT). Allassssss...... Need to sit another train back to Masjid JAmid station.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
在二十五歲時問丈夫,丈夫沮喪的回答她: 我錯過一個新的工作機會。
三十五歲時,丈夫生氣的告訴她: 我剛錯過了一班公車。
四十五歲時,丈夫傷心的說: 我錯過與親人見最後一面。
一如往常的, 太太總是回以微笑, 而微笑中總帶著落寞。
忽略了身旁關心自己的親友、輕忽 了自己的身體。
Monday, August 22, 2005
TS know how to speak baby language
He like to play with his niece and nephews. But usually make them cry.
We when Joyce house, got a cute baby at home. Abit hyperactive. Just know how to drag his body, and jump jump when people is carrying him. Don't know how to sit nor crawl properly.He is a cheering kid, when you talk his language, he will be super excited. TS talk whole day baby language with him, make him so excited. Plus both of them super noisy. Don't understand what their converstation is all about. But the baby langh alot that day.
Tambun seafood
TS friend tell us to use non- toll road, old road to Bukit Tambun, with out passing by the road toll. Ended up, going to some creppy place. alot of forest, and plantation.
No choice, we have to use the high way. Finally reach Tambun.
Tambun its quite famous place in Penang. What is so special about it?
People will think, in Penang Island, seafood is everywhere, why do we need to purposely go to Tambun and eat wo? (Tambun is in the main land, after Juru Toll).
1st reason: Because it is much much more cheaper compare to Penang Island
2nd reason: Food taste good and have alot of variaties
WE both eat (2 person meal):
- Mud carb with eggs (fried with spicy and sour sauce)
- Steam Fish (pari-pari) with Teowchew style
- Octopus (Sotong) Curry
- Boiled thik teng (nails) snails (a type of snails with lots of spikes)
- 2 plate of rice
- 1 crysantinum tea
- 1 soft drink
Ts is beting, should be around RM80++
Guess what, grand total is less then RM50. Its only RM47.
It's so cheap ~~~ TS shouted.
Related blog, Some details can be found on The Sun.
Teluk Kumbar Mee Udang
WE visited ah Joyce in her house. Tend to always get lost when finding the way to her house. ALmost remote area. Conutry side with fresh air.
She invited us to eat Mee Udang, which she say very famous in her area.
The Mee Udang is some sort like Jawa Mee (the soup is tomato + chili favour). !st look. Where is the prawn?? USe our fork and find, it's actually hide below the mee. 4 big big prawn. Very fresh, very juicy. The soup have the taste of the prawn. Taste delicious.
How much per bowl?? RM9. Still reasonable.
Joyce say that the 1st mee udang stall that is famous is near by the sea side. Cost rm15 per bowl. Similiar number of prawns. Now seems like not that famous alreadi.
Human's greedy
After we finish our meals, got a indian guy - "X" come and approch us some mickey cookies. The box is cute with mickey mouse character beside the tin. And the cookies are mickey mouse head shape. One round circle with 2 big round ears.
I just attertain them as I get a piece of flyers from "X". The flyers contain his handphone number and a code (I guess the code is to indicate who recommend the product to u).
After the "X" left our table, a indian girl call "Y", approch us, with the same product. I was thinking, since she saw the flyer here, she should know that some one approch us before. She then introduce us some chololate cakes, layer cakes .... . And the more funny part is, she say she have some cookies flyers, and she will give us more, ask us to help her distrubute to our collegue. She collect back the flyer which "X" give to us. Give us a 2 new flyer which contain her code.
My firned ask her back, saying why u collect my flyer back. Isn't it the same?
Then "Y" start saying alot of stupid excuse, which is very blur and not clear (As she is telling lies)
How can this be like this. "X" come and distribute the flyer, the "Y" come and take back. All hard work "X" done, will be collected by "Y". So curel. And its not a technique in doing sales. Stupid fellow. Later "Y", tried "X" style, which means writting her handphone number to her flyers. She think that people don't know what she is doing, but instate, everyone knows what is on her mind.
Mindset at the wrong way, will make you more and more bad.
Miss Penang alot
When ever I'm going to reach Penang, the REX advertisment, I will be excited, saying that.. oh.. i'm going back , i'm going back. When the bus step on the bridge, I will be more and more excited. "Yeah.... finally reach Penang liao". My mood will be very very happy.
Last time when I reach Penang, I will stay at home, meet out with friend, chat with my dad n mum n grandmum, chat with my sisters, brothers... watch Astro at midnite, eat and sleep
Now, when I reach Penang, I will start finding friends, show products, STP, finding people.. lesser time with family. (which i feel sad about it). But I know all this will be temporary, later I will have more and more time together with them.
When ever I'm going back to kl, I will don't want to leave Penang, my mood will be very very down, very upset. Depress until cry sometimes.
After I passby the bridge, my mood will be recover soon. Seting a date when to come back Penang again.
Do u all miss home like what I miss my home??
Friday, August 19, 2005
Message board ?? counter visitor??
I found out this site, it an innovative and easy to install message board for your website. And another one is display your online visitors and past trafficby country. Cool.
Looks impressive. No need to crack your head to write the program~~
Thursday, August 18, 2005
The Mooncup is a reusable menstrual cup around two inches long and made from soft silicone rubber. It is worn internally like a tampon but collects menstrual fluid rather than absorbing. Unlike tampons the Mooncup is not a disposable product, so you only need to buy one.Oh my god!! People are creating more and more staff nowadays. But I still use the normal ways, using santitory pads!! What about tampons?? Paise to say that I don't know how to use. Plus I scared it will Leak!! This reminds me a friend give 1 tampon to me to try during my high school. But I can't find the way to put it. So amberresing!! Now people invented this mooncups!! Oh... oh... oh... I'm very very outdated!!
Read more in here:

Children who eat fries raise breast cancer risk
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Very young children who eat French fries frequently have a much higher risk of breast cancer as adults, U.S. researchers reported on
A study of American nurses found that one additional serving of fries per week at ages three to five increased breast cancer risk by 27 percent. (I wasn't eating when I was the age of 3 -5 :p)
"Other foods perceived as less healthy such as hot dogs or ice cream however, were not associated with breast cancer risk."
Source: The STar
Another source from ninetnine
Pudding Mooncake
There are alot of food blogs, which include Food reviews, food ... I love yummy food.

Your Deadly Sins
Your Deadly Sins |
Sloth: 60% |
Greed: 20% |
Pride: 20% |
Envy: 0% |
Gluttony: 0% |
Lust: 0% |
Wrath: 0% |
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14% |
You will die while sleeping - and no one will notice. |
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
第二年————棉 婚
第三年————皮 革 婚
第四年————水 果 婚
第五年————木 婚
第六年————铁 婚
第七年————铜 婚
第八年————陶 婚
第九年————柳 婚
第十年————铝 婚
第十一年———钢 婚
第十二年———丝 婚
第十三年———丝 带 婚
第十四年———象 牙 婚
第十五年———水 晶 婚
第二十年———瓷 婚
第二十五年——银 婚
第三十年———珍 珠 婚
第三十五年——珊 瑚 婚
第四十年———红宝 石婚
第四十五年——蓝宝 石婚
第五十年———金 婚
第五十五年——绿宝 石婚
第六十年———钻 石 婚
Lonely weekend
The room was empty. No anoying sound beside my ear. Only I'm the one who is lying down the bed, reading comics and books. Feeling lonely. HE is my laughter. Altought he makes me mad sometimes, but I still like him be with me all the time.
2 days with out him seems very long. I keep going out, meet peoples, friends. To make sure I don't miss him too much. I make my self very very tired before I go to bed. So 2 days I selpt at almost 2am. With the lights on.
I can't really tell him I miss him. Cause he is going back to his hometown becoz of our future. I can't distroy his mood. So I didn't tell him how much I miss him.
He come back at Sunday midnite. I was suddenly awake when he come and hugged me. Seems like waiting him to be back.On my blur blur mind, I told him that its great he is back, and keep repeating the words that he is back. Hugged him and kiss him...So HAPPY, I guess.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Ex-housemate gathering
Then out ex-housemate have a small gathering, me, joyce, YC and fei.
Fei.. still as crazy as last time, still as pretty as usuall.
Joyce .. still as thin as last time, can't get fat. Next monday will be her 1st day to Intel working as web programmer. Oh my god, all my friends/ ex collage mate/ ex high school mates are in INTEL. My parents once also push me to apply working in INTEL.
YC ~ this girl are... I don't really know how to say her. She have massive changes after collage. She use to a close minded person, cannot accept lover to have kissing, hugging or even sex. But now, she is more more... too much open minded then I accept. Dating guys are different within several weeks. Kissing and hugging even thought their are consider "friends". Today you call her, she tell u, she is with this guy. 2 weeks later, she say she is dating another guy. I'm worry about her, but I don't know how to advise her. She seems not advisable, as a friend, we can only sit there, listen to her point of view.
She wanted a prefect match ~ meaning that she want to select the prefect guy as her bf/ husband. This are her requirements, pretty weird:
1. that guy must have own car, own house. - a must requirement
2. must be 8-10 years older then her, those in her dating list is 32, 38..... (she is only 24 years old)
3. good looking, caring, loving....
Yes, it's the best if u can find a man that have properties. To her, “properties = security”. But from my point of view, as long as the man got the goals, dream, 上进心, it's the matter of when he will suceed. Her thinking will make the man think that, it's because the money, you come over and date me. If one day, the man have economy crisis, suddenly no house, no car!IS she able to stay besind with the man? Or to dump him to find another better qualification man??
I also wish that I can find a RICH guy, which I no need to work, and stay at home and relax. But no free lunch for anyone, if u want to have a good life, you need to pay the price. You are choosing people, people are also choosing you. Good guys are been booked early by someone else. No guys are 100% perfect, neither are girls are 100% prefect. We want some one that is prefect but forgetting we aren't that prefect in life. She is finding the 100% perfect person to come into her life. Impossible. A man sure have it's weekness. ITs the matter you accept his weekness or not.
I personaly prefer me n my partner both work together to suceed in our life. He have no property, no car, no house, nothing!! But he have a big vision that we will have good life in the future. Not just dreaming only, we are working very hard to acheive our ideal lifestyle. Next time, when we both succeed in life, we will be greatful to each other.
I don't know when she will be able to find a perfect mate for her. The most scary part is, the more you choose, you might miss those good ones and finally ended up choosing the wrong one. All I can do it's wish her luck in finding her mate.
Cute birthday and aniversary tracker
Here's TS Birthday chart:
There have 2 type: one is for Wedding Day or Anniversay, another is for Baby & Kids Birthday.
Here is Mine Birthday chart:
Create a date tracker yourselves here:

Friday, August 12, 2005
@ clearer vision today morning
Althought the vision is clearer, but I still need to wear a mask, the air still have the smell. I can see alot people wearing mask, but also alot people refuse to wear, because its ugly? its funny? But for me, as long as it protects me from the bad air, I will wear it. But when I wear the mask, I look like dragon fly........ bezzzzzz........... bezzzzzzzzzz...........
I brought 1 mask at the LRT station, wah.... alot people doing part time as selling mask, 1 for rm1, they sure earn alot...
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Who Were You In a Past Life?
In a Past Life... |
![]() You Were: A Ditzy Herbalist. Where You Lived: Poland. How You Died: The Plague. |
Air Pollution in KL.... very serious
Hoo sent sms reminding us to drink more more water, eat more vit C and garlic. I have eat garlic pils everyday to clear off those toxic air in my respirasi system, never been so hardworking in eating those pills.
"The situation is not getting better. It is getting worse." base on a newspaper article. oh.....my god
Ahrrghh..... From my condo view to the LRT Station, hardly can see the station.... First few days was ok, LRT station still visible, now... seems like the LRT train floating in the sky... GREAT view!!!
Its like the view in Genting highlands, but with smelly smell. Nice view if its really that misty, but the air must be cool like Genting Highlands mar...
Some more in MRJ, BRJ... all the mamak still alot people, more people if got football, people seems not that concern of the haze... still sitting there in open air to breath those air....I'm one of the person, my friends still sit there so long, I finish my food, then go home alreadi.
According the the AIR POLLUTANT INDEX (API), Kuala Lumpur, W.PERSEKUTUAN - 321 seems to be in the very unhealty situation ~ Hazardous, back in Penang - 45 seems very ok. REallly if live in KL, will become shorter life. Always this and that.. The world is so pity, always have enviromental probleem.
Pollution index as at 11/8/2005
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Kenson's Pupps.... cutie....
Friday, August 05, 2005
Oh my god.... Penang cendul online?!?
This makes me remember those days when I use to go they purposely to eat the cendul. so yummy....
What makes it different is the coconut and the cendul is very different for other stall, don't really know what's the different. But in front the stall, u will see on your right hand side will be full of people and the left hand side, even the same stall, but hardly can see people. People can willingly to queue and stand there to eat!!!
Just found that there have branches in KL too..... yeah... can go there to eat, see the taste same as Penang head stall??
K. Lumpur Branches
1. Giant Food Court U.S.J. Subang Jaya
2. Giant Food Court Permata Merawati
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Knocking my head ~~ ouchh.....
1. Knock on my forehead when I was picking up something below my room window. Wasn't suppose to knock at it, might be I lean to near to the wall below the window, but I guess its time for bed time....
2. I knock my forehead again today on my office table, I was picking up something on the floor, but still haven't have "tall building ~ bruise" visible in my forehead. But when I touch myself, ouchhh.... Its hurt.
Why are.... I always knock my head??
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Bu Er Tea 中国普洱茶
- 对脂肪的代谢有意想不到的效果,对降低人体所含三酸甘油脂、胆固醇、血尿酿等有不同的疗效
- 引起人的血管舒张、脑部血流量减少等生理效应
- 防治老年人疾病和高血压与动脉硬化诸症
- 生津止渴、醒脾解酒、开胃消滞、抑菌减肥,珍之为养生妙晶,不可一日无的保健饮料
- 绿茶 性寒:红茶性热;而普洱茶不寒不热,又经济实惠,普遍嗜饮,称之为“宝利茶”
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Picture word